Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Why do people laugh when I say I'm thinking of buying a skoda?

I can understand why people giggle at Reliant Robins, but why Skodas??|||Because they remember when Skodas were crap.....but don't worry, you will have the last laugh.

Skodas are good cars now, basically you buy a Skoda and you are buying last years Volkswagen.....you just aren't paying Volkswagen prices.

The Fabia and Octavia have been voted best car in the last few years and the UK police use the Octavia as a motorway patrol car....so there must be something in it.

I've driven a pool car Fabia loads of times, it's a damn good little car and easily stacks up against my "big name" Fiat.|||What the heck is a skoda?

Love and blessings Don|||if you are not worried about status symbol buy one it is a good car|||You're probably not pronouncing it properly. It's pronounced somewhat like a 'Schkoder'. Well, no harm trying... :)|||i think they think youre asking for a soda but you keep saying skoda so theyre like lol|||i was born in slovakia, the pronounciation is SHKODA|||never heard of a skoda here in the US

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